Haven of Hope Eating Disorder Care Center

Binge Eating Disorder Treatment

Haven of Hope Eating Disorder Care Center

Binge Eating Disorder

When you choose Haven of Hope for adult binge eating disorder treatment, you will stay at a non-institutional facility that is comfortable and cozy, yet highly-skilled in caring for adults with disordered eating like binge eating.

Binge Eating Disorder Treatment in Tennessee

In our small residential program in Cordova, adult clients share their related experiences around food, body image, and social pressures, all while they also learn and practice a mindful eating approach while skill-building to manage binge eating urges.

Binge Eating Disorder Health Risks

This common eating disorder is characterized by frequent episodes where an individual consumes abnormally large amounts of food very quickly, often to the point of physical discomfort. The binge eating episodes are often accompanied by feelings of shame, loss of control, guilt, and depression.

Many adults with binge eating disorder follow a cyclical pattern of binge eating and dieting or restriction. During binge episodes, an adult will eat a large quantity of food, usually quickly, and may eat so much that they feel physically ill or uncomfortable. Many adults feel like they are not in control of their behavior during the episode. Afterward, they feel guilty, shameful, and upset. Adults who suffer from binge eating disorder do not typically purge after they binge.

Binge eating can affect adult women regardless of body size. At Haven of Hope, we function under a Health at Every Size (HAES) framework, which means we do not promote weight loss and instead focus on overall wellness and other health indicators of our clients.

BED Risk Factors

In today’s social media charged world, adult pressures are greater than ever, and BED has become an outlet to soothe some adults. But there are a variety of risk factors that include:

  • Underlying co-occurring disorder
  • Repeated and frequent episodes of restriction
  • Feelings of being out of control, self-loathing, depression, and anxiety
  • Low self-esteem
  • Body image concerns
  • Isolation
  • Fad dieting

Adult Binge Eating Disorder Signs

  • Eating more rapidly than normal
  • Eating when not hungry
  • Secretive eating
  • Hoarding food
  • Immediate shame after bingeing
  • Defensive mood when confronted with concern

Help is a Phone Call Away

Many misconceptions surround eating disorders, but if you suspect you are struggling, it’s essential to seek treatment promptly. Our residential eating disorder care center offers personalized support tailored to each client’s specific needs, providing the tools for lasting recovery.

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Haven of Hope Eating Disorder Care Center

Benefits of Individual Therapy for Eating Disorders

Individual therapy at Haven of Hope is an integral part of the eating disorder recovery process, offering numerous benefits to help clients manage and overcome disordered eating patterns. Each client receives personalized care, ensuring they have the tools to achieve lasting recovery. Our individualized therapy program instills real hope by teaching and strengthening essential skills, such as:

Developing healthier coping mechanisms Building self-esteem and body acceptance Challenging and reframing negative thought patterns Addressing underlying trauma and emotional triggers Creating sustainable, balanced nutrition habits

What Causes Eating Disorders in Women?

Eating disorders are complex and typically result from a combination of various factors. Here are some common causes:

Haven of Hope Eating Disorder Care Center

Genetics & Family History

A predisposition to eating disorders can be inherited and run in families.

Haven of Hope Eating Disorder Care Center

Psychological Factors

Low self-esteem, perfectionism, and impulsive behaviors may contribute to disordered eating.

Haven of Hope Eating Disorder Care Center

Environmental Factors

Social and cultural pressures, including media portrayals of unrealistic body standards, can trigger eating disorders.

Haven of Hope Eating Disorder Care Center


Past emotional, physical, or sexual abuse, as well as attachment trauma, often play a role.

Haven of Hope Eating Disorder Care Center

Co-occurring Mental Health Conditions

Anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and other mental health issues frequently co-occur with eating disorders.

Haven of Hope Eating Disorder Care Center

Peer Pressure

Social influences, such as pressure to fit in or meet certain body ideals, can intensify disordered eating.

Haven of Hope Eating Disorder Care Center

Substance Use

Drugs and alcohol can exacerbate or lead to unhealthy eating behaviors.

Haven of Hope Eating Disorder Care Center

Dieting & Body Image Issues

Persistent dieting or body dissatisfaction can lead to restrictive or disordered eating patterns.

We’re Here to Help

At our Tennessee residential program for adult women and female-identifying individuals, you’ll experience the warm, nurturing environment we've designed to support healing from disordered eating and co-occurring trauma & attachment disorder. We recognize the complexities of eating disorders and use an integrated, evidence-based approach to help you or your loved one recover. Individual therapy is a key part of our program, fostering trust, honesty, and a judgment-free space for healing. Our Cordova-based program is dedicated to helping clients heal, grow, and thrive.

Call us today at (901) 399-9400 to learn more about our treatment program for adult women.