General Eating Disorder Treatment In Tennessee

Other Specified Feeding and Eating Disorder (OSFED) is an eating disorder classification for those who do not meet the diagnostic criteria for any other eating disorders. OSFED has replaced “Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (EDNOS)” in The Diagnostic & Statistical Manual (DSM-IV).

Other Specified Feeding and Eating Disorders (OSFED)

Other Specified Feeding and Eating Disorder (OSFED) is an eating disorder classification for those who do not meet the diagnostic criteria for any other eating disorders. OSFED has replaced “Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (EDNOS)” in The Diagnostic & Statistical Manual (DSM-IV).

While people with disordered eating may not show all the signs and symptoms of anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder, or ARFID, their disordered eating is still valid and cause for concern. Because OSFED encompasses an array of eating disorders, it is often misunderstood and seen as less severe than other eating disorders. However, OSFED is actually the most common category of eating disorders, “represent[ing] an estimated 32% to 53% of all individuals with eating disorders” (“OSFED: The Other Eating Disorder,” 2018). In addition to being common, it also has a higher mortality rate than Anorexia and Bulimia. (Crow et al., 2009).

Some conditions with OSFED include:

'Atypical' Anorexia Nervosa

Purging Disorder

Night Eating Syndrome

OSFED is for anyone struggling with their relationship with food

Individuals with OSFED all share the common trait of having disordered thoughts and behaviors about food and eating. Here are a few of the warning signs of OSFED:

  • Preoccupation with food and eating
  • Skipping meals
  • Obsession with body shape or weight
  • Extreme body dissatisfaction
  • Social withdrawal
  • Depression, anxiety, or irritability
  • Heightened anxiety and/or irritability around mealtimes
  • Refuses to eat certain categories of foods
  • Excessive exercise
  • Muscle weakness
  • Sleep problems

Learn More About Our Pennsylvania Eating Disorder Program

In our Pennsylvania eating disorder program, your daughter will have  24/7 supervision while being nurtured to heal, learn, grow, and recover from their eating disorder. For families with teens suffering OSFED, Haven of Hope has become a a place of hope and change for Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York residents. Our disordered eating treatment programming is designed to achieve the best possible outcome through personalized, integrated care from an expert team of mental health professionals.

Call us today at 570-718-8800 to learn more about our Pennsylvania residential program for adolescent girls.

Benefits of Individual Therapy for Eating Disorders

Individual therapy at Haven of Hope is an integral part of the eating disorder recovery process, offering numerous benefits to help clients manage and overcome disordered eating patterns. Each client receives personalized care, ensuring they have the tools to achieve lasting recovery. Our individualized therapy program instills real hope by teaching and strengthening essential skills, such as:

Developing healthier coping mechanisms
Building self-esteem and body acceptance
Challenging and reframing negative thought patterns
Addressing underlying trauma and emotional triggers
Creating sustainable, balanced nutrition habits

What Causes Eating Disorders in Young Women?

Eating disorders are complex and typically result from a combination of various factors. Here are some common causes:

Genetics & Family History

A predisposition to eating disorders can be inherited and run in families.

Psychological Factors

Low self-esteem, perfectionism, and impulsive behaviors may contribute to disordered eating.

Environmental Factors

Social and cultural pressures, including media portrayals of unrealistic body standards, can trigger eating disorders.


Past emotional, physical, or sexual abuse, as well as attachment trauma, often play a role.

Co-occurring Mental Health Conditions

Anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and other mental health issues frequently co-occur with eating disorders.

Peer Pressure

Social influences, such as pressure to fit in or meet certain body ideals, can intensify disordered eating.

Substance Use

Drugs and alcohol can exacerbate or lead to unhealthy eating behaviors.

Dieting & Body Image Issues

Persistent dieting or body dissatisfaction can lead to restrictive or disordered eating patterns.

We’re Here to Help

At our Tennessee residential program for adult women and female-identifying individuals, you’ll experience the warm, nurturing environment we've designed to support healing from disordered eating and co-occurring trauma & attachment disorder. We recognize the complexities of eating disorders and use an integrated, evidence-based approach to help you or your loved one recover. Individual therapy is a key part of our program, fostering trust, honesty, and a judgment-free space for healing. Our Cordova-based program is dedicated to helping clients heal, grow, and thrive.

Call us today at 570-718-8800 to learn more about our treatment program for adult women.

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